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How to look after my new tattoo

November, 2023

Tattoos are more than just ink on skin—they’re statements, memories, and expressions of individuality. However, ensuring your tattoo heals well and looks vibrant requires diligent care. Here’s a complete breakdown of the steps needed to properly look after your new tattoo.

Understanding the Tattoo Healing Process

Tattoos are not an instant masterpiece; they undergo a healing journey that requires attention and care.

Initial Care for a Fresh Tattoo

In the first days, treat your new tattoo delicately. Keep it clean, protected, and allow it to breathe.

Tattoo Aftercare Basics

Healing doesn’t stop after the initial phase. Continue to pamper your tattoo with gentle care.

Stages of Tattoo Healing

From the initial redness to the final settling, each stage in a tattoo’s healing process demands different care methods.

Cleaning and Moisturising Your Tattoo

The cleanliness of your tattoo is paramount. Equally important is providing it with adequate moisture.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

Gently clean your tattoo with mild soap and water to avoid irritation and infections.

Importance of Moisturizing

Moisturising keeps your tattoo hydrated, aiding the healing and preventing scabbing.

Choosing the Right Products

Opt for fragrance-free, gentle moisturisers to avoid any adverse reactions on your tattooed skin.

Protecting Your Tattoo from Damage

Once your tattoo is done, safeguarding it becomes crucial to maintain its integrity.

Clothing and Fabrics

Opt for loose-fitting clothing made of soft fabrics to prevent friction on your healing tattoo.

Sun Protection

Shield your tattoo from the sun by covering it or using sunscreen, as UV rays can fade the colors.

Avoiding Scratching and Picking

Resist the temptation to scratch or pick at your tattoo, as it can hinder the healing process.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Your daily activities and habits can affect how well your tattoo heals.

Impact of Physical Activities

Avoid intense physical activities that might cause excessive sweating or friction on your tattoo.

Dietary Considerations

A balanced diet rich in nutrients aids in the overall healing of your tattoo.

Hydration and Its Role

Stay hydrated to keep your skin healthy and promote the healing of your tattoo.

Handling Common Tattoo Issues

While healing, tattoos might encounter issues; being aware and proactive is key.

Itching and Irritation

Combat itchiness by patting the tattoo gently instead of scratching.

Allergic Reactions

If you notice redness, swelling, or unusual sensations, consult a professional immediately.

Infections and Signs to Watch

Look out for signs of infections like excessive redness, pus, or fever and seek medical help promptly.

Long-Term Maintenance

Tattoos age, but proper care can preserve their vibrancy for years to come.

Retouching and Refurbishing

Consider touch-ups periodically to maintain the crispness of your tattoo.

Sun Exposure After Healing

Even after healing, protect your tattoo from excessive sun exposure to prevent fading.

Tattoo Aging and How to Manage

Accept that tattoos evolve over time; embrace the changes gracefully.


How long does it take for a tattoo to heal completely? The healing period varies but typically ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.

Can I swim after getting a new tattoo? Avoid swimming until your tattoo is fully healed to prevent infections.

Should I cover my tattoo while sleeping? Cover it with loose clothing to avoid rubbing against sheets or blankets.

Is it normal for a new tattoo to scab? Yes, scabbing is a natural part of the healing process, but avoid picking at it.

When can I expose my tattoo to the sun? Wait until your tattoo is fully healed before prolonged sun exposure.

Can I use regular lotion on my healing tattoo? Opt for a fragrance-free, gentle moisturiser recommended by your tattoo artist.


Your new tattoo is a canvas of self-expression, and caring for it is an essential part of the journey. By understanding the healing process, adopting proper cleaning and protective measures, and making necessary lifestyle adjustments, you ensure your tattoo remains a vibrant piece of art for years to come.